Sunday School
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it"
- Prov 22:6
Vision: To disciple all in the life of Christ.
The MOBC Sunday School Ministry is dedicated to providing the best Christian education possible to our youth, children and adults.
- To disciple God's people to maturity by teaching biblical principles based on the Word of God.
- To love and respect each other reflecting the love of Christ by being a light to the body of Christ.
- We strive to meet the needs of our church and community through traditional and non traditional study and learning opportunities. Teaching the Word of God so that we might grow in the knowledge of Him.
There are classes for all ages; something to meet the need of every believer. All the Sunday school classes use the same curriculum from Urban Ministries and each grade level has age appropriate literature.
The Sunday School Ministry also presents the Christmas and Easter programs as our annual events, as well as hosts vacation bible school every summer.